Wraps slimming

To lose weight in the hips, not only every day to torture if the same slopes or banner: to improve the silhouette and reduce the fat deposits in life will help you wrap it with transparent film.

If you know the technique of execution of a procedure?

Below you will find the instructions and recipes for wraps.

How to make a wrap to lose weight at home

wraps slimming

Wraps are slimming the hips even more efficiently, if you put them together with the minimum of physical effort, limitations in the power supply. The result of the procedure depends on the technique of running, then you need to follow some simple recommendations. The first group of rules related to prepare for bandages:

  • perform the procedure no more than 1 time every 2-3 days, because the body is a serious stress;
  • try not to eat 2 hours before and 1 hour after wrapping;
  • the time for the procedure to choose in the evenings, better to spend the night, because in this period the activity of the skin above;
  • before the procedure carefully heat the skin under the sensory shower with the use of a massage sponge and scrub, for example, coffee or salt.

The second recommendation concerns already in the process of packing film:

  • before the procedure with a thick layer of drawing for problem areas, namely the sides, the selected tool – bought gel or cream against the cellulite or the mixture prepared;
  • wrap the belly film layers;
  • wear warm clothes and wrapped in a blanket, for the skin was felt the warmth or even a burning sensation;
  • after the time required for the body wraps, with a particular mixture to wash the mouth with warm water and soap or gel, and then moisten with the help of a cream.

Recipes wraps

An essential element in treatments with body wraps for weight loss is a mixture that is applied to the skin before it is covered with the film. In special beauty salons, beauty treatments have a high price, and are used practically the same formations, which are easy to prepare at home. Damage tools wraps can be:

  1. Hot. Are more pleasant, as well as effect on the skin the heat that promotes the dilation of blood vessels, improve circulation. The last effect causes a combustion of fat to account for enrichment of oxygen. Particularly effective is the mustard or wrap with pepper.
  2. Cold. Opposite the first mind, because they create a cooling effect, with a narrowing of the capillaries. In this case, all the toxins are released through the purification of the body's internal organs, to which all the evil takes the blood.

Warm body wrap slimming

Thanks to the hot heat wraps up the process of weight loss, the side will go faster, because in those procedures enriches the sweat, with which are toxins. Also, heat up the subcutaneous layers – the fat cells become similar to jelly, which helps them more easy to fall in the vessels and emitted from the body. Here are some recipes of such wraps.


The healing properties of honey are manifested not only when it is used inside – if smear goodies in boca, their weight loss will be more fast. This gentle organic product is composed of fructose and glucose, which are characterized by the properties to penetrate deep into the skin. Pack of honey helps to speed up the exchange process and leads to toning the the tissues. Over the side you can use this recipe to lose weight the hips or the hands, especially for the cellulite on them. The technique wraps the following:

  1. As a preparation to clean the skin with the application of a scrub, then leave to dry.
  2. Heat 6 tablespoons of honey, add 3 drops of essential oil of any citrus fruit, i.e. orange, lemon or grapefruit.
  3. Spread the finished instrument on the sides, shot in cling film, put on something warm.
  4. Go for a half hour under a blanket.
  5. Wash the skin laterally under the sensory shower, spalmi the moisturizer.

With the clay

recipes wraps

This is to wrap the side and the other difficult parts of the body applies blue clay, because it has established itself as a way of speeding up the metabolism and tone the skin. Purchase is possible in a beauty shop or pharmacy. Run a compress with the clay needed for the following statement:

  1. Take equal proportions of clay and tepid water. Mix the ingredients up in a state of suspension, so as not to leave lumps. Can add the essential oil.
  2. Lubricate, clean and heated boca prepared the mixture, wrap the top with foil, put something warm.
  3. Drape yourself plaid or a blanket. Slimming procedure must have a duration of at least 30-60 minutes
  4. Thoroughly rinse the boca, make sure to use a moisturizer, because the clay dries on the skin.

With cinnamon

An indispensable help for weight loss the side is cinnamon. Spice eliminates fat, cellulite, helps to even the skin tone, and also, the cinnamon has a calming effect on the nervous system. The technology wraps with this spice is the same with the honey or clay, and here are the recipes we are different:

  1. Connect 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with 4-5 drops of cinnamon. Heat the mixture using a water bath.
  2. Dilute with water to a teaspoon of any clay, mix 3-4 tablespoons of cinnamon powder. Add more water if necessary, and the consistency is similar to a mush.
  3. In a bain-marie, melt 3-4 tablespoons of honey, mix with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
  4. Melt 100 g of chocolate with the same water-bath, mix 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, or put 5 drops of oil in her. At the end, add 1 teaspoon. extra-virgin olive oil – it is ready.

Cold compress

Cold compresses slimming the hips are used with another purpose, rather than hot – refine pores and bring the liquid in excess, which leads to a reduction in volumes. The toxins when they go not to the outside through the open pores, and inside, where straightening of the liver, and the kidneys. The effect of weight loss, you also get the fact that the body spends fat reserves on the sides to keep warm. This to these procedures apply vinegar, seaweed, essential oils, e.g. mint. Difference hot is the lack of need to wrap up the blankets and warm clothes.


The properties of vinegar can be attributed to the synthesis of collagen, which is essential for the skin, enriched with vitamins, the absorption of the fat on the hips and the reduction of the volume of liquid in the tissues. Use the need not to clean the product, mixed with water in proportion 1:5. Take for this grape or apple cider vinegar. Ready possible solution: insert a couple of drops of essential oil of citrus fruit. Spray the detergent, apply directly on the skin or soak in it in bandages, then wrap the boca. Then turn around and cling film and rest for about an hour.

With the algae

Slimming very useful to the algae, but not everyone will like, for example, kelp. If you do not want to consume this product in the food, and then try to do a wrap on the side or any other part of the body:

  1. Take a container with water at room temperature.
  2. Place there kelp in the amount of 100 g.
  3. After 2-3 hours, must inflate to the max, then you can apply them to the sides and roll up the film.
  4. After an hour, wash the skin under warm water.

With essential oils

The use of different essential oils is very high – which apply not only in the care of the skin, but also for weight loss, as a particularly successful citrus. As well as these effects are still to encourage the body to relax, bring thoughts in order. For back packs simply mix 5-10 drops of essential oil in 0.5 l of lukewarm water. Then wrap boca bandages soaked in this tool. The film should be above the bandages.

Contraindications to body wraps


There are a number of contraindications to both types of hot and cold packs. The first type of procedure is not recommended for people with varicose veins of the veins, vascular diseases, tumors, kidney or the cardiovascular system, and pregnant women. Cold compresses to the side you can not do in case of a problem the gynaecological. Are not permitted such procedures in cases of intolerance to the components of mixtures or of any damage to the skin.